July 2016 SAC Meeting
The July 2016 meeting of the Sydney Audio Club sees us meet once again for an afternoon of fine music, great sound and amicable company. Each month the Sydney Audio Club presents an excellent high end audio system for our members and guests. Feel free to bring along your own music to test the capabilities of the system or to just share with like-minded music lovers in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
For July, we are very pleased to have a return of DEQX (http://deqx.com/). Alan Langford of DEQX will present the DEQX speaker correction and room correction system. DEQX last presented to the club at least 5-6 years ago and much has changed and improved in its product line since then. So another presentation is long overdue.
Details of the system:
DEQX HDP-5 preamp processor. The HDP-5 (http://deqx.com/product-hdp5-overview.php) is the flagship of the DEQX line. It performs powerful speaker and room correction/calibration. It can do everything you'll likely ever want to do. It can accept your XLR and RCA analogue inputs. It can accept your USB, SPDIF coax and BNC, AES/EBU, Toslink digital inputs. It handles source switching and volume control. It has its own DACs and can provide analogue output on RCA and XLR. It provides digital outputs for thru, bass, mid/full and highs allowing you to handle active cross-overs inside the DEQX. It's the ideal tool if you have your own speakers and you're looking for the ideal active cross-over. (If you don't need the active cross-over ability you can opt for the DEQX Premate+ instead and it is the same as the HDP-5 minus the active cross-over.) The DEQX units also sport audiophile grade components. And they include their own microphone for taking your room measurements. Just being released now is a Roon-Ready UTP interface. There is a lot in the box for the money.
Refer to:
http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews2/deqx/1.html by Edgar Kramer
http://www.digitalaudioreview.net/2015/10/from-a-land-down-under-to-rmaf-2015-deqx-calibration/ by John Darko
DEQX Integrated Amplifier. Fast, clear and clean. This is a prototype and not yet for sale. But hopefully its tantalizingly close – maybe you can spur Alan on to getting it to market.
Refer to: Sorry, no links as yet.
Epos ES11 speakers. These speakers hail from the 1990's. These older speakers open up a good opportunity to use DEQX speaker correction. Alan will demonstrate the benefits of speaker and room correction.
Refer to: http://www.audioreview.com/cat/speakers/floorstanding-speakers/epos-acoustics/es11/prd_119526_1594crx.aspx
Windows PC running Roon. For Alans presentation, his source will be a Windows PC running Roon into the DEQX Roon-Ready UTP interface.
Rythmik Audio FS12SE Subwoofers. Articulate bass for the discerning audiophile. We'll have two of these subwoofers such that Alan can demonstrate the bass cross-over functionality.
Refer to: http://www.rythmikaudio.com/F12SE.html
Oppo BDP-105D Universal player. We will use the coax digital output of the Oppo (into the DEQX) primarily for our BYO session.
Refer to:
https://www.oppodigital.com/blu-ray-bdp-105/blu-ray-BDP-105D-Overview.aspx and
The second half of the music sessions will be our popular BYO. Members and guests are welcome to offer music to share with us all. So bring along your favourite music on CD/SACD or flash/USB drive. (Sorry, no vinyl this month.) All we ask is that the music and recordings be interesting. We'll ask you to tell us a little about the artist/recording before it is played. Tracks over 6 minutes will be faded out, to give everyone a fair go.
Whether you are a novice or a seasoned veteran, you will have the opportunity to listen, learn and share your experiences with others. Feel free to come and hear the capabilities of the system, or to just share the experience with like-minded music lovers in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
Guests are always welcome and we are a very friendly club so you don't need to know anyone to join us for an afternoon of fine music and sound.
Venue: Epping Creative Centre, Dence Park
Address: 26 Stanley Road, Epping
When: Sunday 10th July 2016
Doors open 1pm
Meeting starts at 2pm
Best regards,
Tom Waters
Sydney Audio Club
[email protected]
Follow up Report
The meeting with Alan Langford from DEQX was very interesting indeed. Alan spent the better part of 1.5 hours measuring the speakers, the subs and the room. The Epos 11 speakers run a little hot in the treble so Alan adjusted that downwards a bit. The bass of the Epos was rolled off quickly around 150HZ to allow the subs to kick in. Alan was impressed that the subs measured so well and they were fairly flat from 20Hz to up around 200Hz. They are excellent value at $999 USD (~$2000 AUD) each.
While the overall sound didn't meet the expectations of everyone (that's probably impossible!) it was satisfying to most people I spoke to. When Alan measured the room, it was with the microphone back around the third row of seats. If you guessed that that is where it sounded best, well, you'd be right. With some tracks it was a bit boomy at the very back of the room, but of course that is also dictated by the bass content of the music being played. You'll always get some recordings that have excessive bass and you will hear aberrations. With more time, you can take microphone readings from various points around the room, and then average that out to adjust the settings in the DEQX. As Alan said, you have 3 filters to set in the DEQX unit, so you can have a particular filter setting to reduce the bass energy to compensate for bass heavy recordings. Conversely, you can have a setting to reduce high frequencies in 'hot' recordings.
DSP is pretty much synonymous with digital and most DACs use DSP to shape the digital signal into the analogue. The DEQX unit simply takes this further and allows you to correct time and phase aberrations caused by your speakers and your room.
Lastly, I had a person come up to me during the break and say that he thought it was the best sound he'd heard in our room. And that was from a fellow that is usually hard to please! So all in all, I think the overall presentation was very well received.
Here are some comments lifted from the feedback forms
· Interesting, informative and educational. Great! Very effective. I am convinced that it works well. A reasonable mix of of music.
· Great meeting. Very informative. DEQX was very impressive. Good variety of music.
· Very pleasant. Good variety of music. Very good sounding speakers.
· Setup with room correction program didn't maintain the soundstage. Bass was boomy (Uses buildings power supply common earth with its effect on sound. Power supply not isolated.)
· Music sounded much better in the second and third row than the back of the room. Too boomy at the back. Very good where Alan set the mic for calibrations.
· Very informative meeting. Nice to meet experts like Alan.
· Interesting and pertinent. Roon [via UTP aka Ethernet - TomW] much better than Oppo.
· Too much bass with 2 subwoofers.
· Great.
· DEQX Interesting.
· Excellent meeting. Very knowledgeable presenter. Will be giving DEQX at try at home after what I heard today.
Once again, I extend our thanks to Alan for the very educational and entertaining afternoon.
Photos to follow...
Tom Waters
I would like to thank all the members that attended the meeting and it was a pleasure to meet many old faces and some new. A very enjoyable afternoon.
For July, we are very pleased to have a return of DEQX (http://deqx.com/). Alan Langford of DEQX will present the DEQX speaker correction and room correction system. DEQX last presented to the club at least 5-6 years ago and much has changed and improved in its product line since then. So another presentation is long overdue.
Details of the system:
DEQX HDP-5 preamp processor. The HDP-5 (http://deqx.com/product-hdp5-overview.php) is the flagship of the DEQX line. It performs powerful speaker and room correction/calibration. It can do everything you'll likely ever want to do. It can accept your XLR and RCA analogue inputs. It can accept your USB, SPDIF coax and BNC, AES/EBU, Toslink digital inputs. It handles source switching and volume control. It has its own DACs and can provide analogue output on RCA and XLR. It provides digital outputs for thru, bass, mid/full and highs allowing you to handle active cross-overs inside the DEQX. It's the ideal tool if you have your own speakers and you're looking for the ideal active cross-over. (If you don't need the active cross-over ability you can opt for the DEQX Premate+ instead and it is the same as the HDP-5 minus the active cross-over.) The DEQX units also sport audiophile grade components. And they include their own microphone for taking your room measurements. Just being released now is a Roon-Ready UTP interface. There is a lot in the box for the money.
Refer to:
http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews2/deqx/1.html by Edgar Kramer
http://www.digitalaudioreview.net/2015/10/from-a-land-down-under-to-rmaf-2015-deqx-calibration/ by John Darko
DEQX Integrated Amplifier. Fast, clear and clean. This is a prototype and not yet for sale. But hopefully its tantalizingly close – maybe you can spur Alan on to getting it to market.
Refer to: Sorry, no links as yet.
Epos ES11 speakers. These speakers hail from the 1990's. These older speakers open up a good opportunity to use DEQX speaker correction. Alan will demonstrate the benefits of speaker and room correction.
Refer to: http://www.audioreview.com/cat/speakers/floorstanding-speakers/epos-acoustics/es11/prd_119526_1594crx.aspx
Windows PC running Roon. For Alans presentation, his source will be a Windows PC running Roon into the DEQX Roon-Ready UTP interface.
Rythmik Audio FS12SE Subwoofers. Articulate bass for the discerning audiophile. We'll have two of these subwoofers such that Alan can demonstrate the bass cross-over functionality.
Refer to: http://www.rythmikaudio.com/F12SE.html
Oppo BDP-105D Universal player. We will use the coax digital output of the Oppo (into the DEQX) primarily for our BYO session.
Refer to:
https://www.oppodigital.com/blu-ray-bdp-105/blu-ray-BDP-105D-Overview.aspx and
The second half of the music sessions will be our popular BYO. Members and guests are welcome to offer music to share with us all. So bring along your favourite music on CD/SACD or flash/USB drive. (Sorry, no vinyl this month.) All we ask is that the music and recordings be interesting. We'll ask you to tell us a little about the artist/recording before it is played. Tracks over 6 minutes will be faded out, to give everyone a fair go.
Whether you are a novice or a seasoned veteran, you will have the opportunity to listen, learn and share your experiences with others. Feel free to come and hear the capabilities of the system, or to just share the experience with like-minded music lovers in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
Guests are always welcome and we are a very friendly club so you don't need to know anyone to join us for an afternoon of fine music and sound.
Venue: Epping Creative Centre, Dence Park
Address: 26 Stanley Road, Epping
When: Sunday 10th July 2016
Doors open 1pm
Meeting starts at 2pm
Best regards,
Tom Waters
Sydney Audio Club
[email protected]
Follow up Report
The meeting with Alan Langford from DEQX was very interesting indeed. Alan spent the better part of 1.5 hours measuring the speakers, the subs and the room. The Epos 11 speakers run a little hot in the treble so Alan adjusted that downwards a bit. The bass of the Epos was rolled off quickly around 150HZ to allow the subs to kick in. Alan was impressed that the subs measured so well and they were fairly flat from 20Hz to up around 200Hz. They are excellent value at $999 USD (~$2000 AUD) each.
While the overall sound didn't meet the expectations of everyone (that's probably impossible!) it was satisfying to most people I spoke to. When Alan measured the room, it was with the microphone back around the third row of seats. If you guessed that that is where it sounded best, well, you'd be right. With some tracks it was a bit boomy at the very back of the room, but of course that is also dictated by the bass content of the music being played. You'll always get some recordings that have excessive bass and you will hear aberrations. With more time, you can take microphone readings from various points around the room, and then average that out to adjust the settings in the DEQX. As Alan said, you have 3 filters to set in the DEQX unit, so you can have a particular filter setting to reduce the bass energy to compensate for bass heavy recordings. Conversely, you can have a setting to reduce high frequencies in 'hot' recordings.
DSP is pretty much synonymous with digital and most DACs use DSP to shape the digital signal into the analogue. The DEQX unit simply takes this further and allows you to correct time and phase aberrations caused by your speakers and your room.
Lastly, I had a person come up to me during the break and say that he thought it was the best sound he'd heard in our room. And that was from a fellow that is usually hard to please! So all in all, I think the overall presentation was very well received.
Here are some comments lifted from the feedback forms
· Interesting, informative and educational. Great! Very effective. I am convinced that it works well. A reasonable mix of of music.
· Great meeting. Very informative. DEQX was very impressive. Good variety of music.
· Very pleasant. Good variety of music. Very good sounding speakers.
· Setup with room correction program didn't maintain the soundstage. Bass was boomy (Uses buildings power supply common earth with its effect on sound. Power supply not isolated.)
· Music sounded much better in the second and third row than the back of the room. Too boomy at the back. Very good where Alan set the mic for calibrations.
· Very informative meeting. Nice to meet experts like Alan.
· Interesting and pertinent. Roon [via UTP aka Ethernet - TomW] much better than Oppo.
· Too much bass with 2 subwoofers.
· Great.
· DEQX Interesting.
· Excellent meeting. Very knowledgeable presenter. Will be giving DEQX at try at home after what I heard today.
Once again, I extend our thanks to Alan for the very educational and entertaining afternoon.
Photos to follow...
Tom Waters
I would like to thank all the members that attended the meeting and it was a pleasure to meet many old faces and some new. A very enjoyable afternoon.