March 2018 SAC Meeting

For our March club meeting, we are very pleased to have Nick Hulgich of Hulgich Audio present his Ella Mk II speakers. The speakers of Nick and his design partner Göran Niréus have been attracting much attention worldwide. Their speaker design and performance is of the highest standard. Nick and his company is based in beautiful Adelaide – all Hulgich Audio speakers are meticulously crafted in Adelaide from the best quality components. More below…
Details of the system….
Presented by Nick Hulgich of Hulgich Audio – refer to
Hulgich Ella MK II Loudspeakers - Also read about its Best In Show rating at the 2017 International HiFi Show -
Nord Acoustics Nord One SE Mono Block amps - and
FTM Cables -
Mac Mini with External HD - presenters music
Bricasti Design M1 DAC -
Classe CP-800 Pre Amp -
Oppo BDP-105D Multi Player -
The second half of the music sessions will be our popular BYO. Members and guests are welcome to offer music to share with us all. So bring along your favourite music on CD/SACD or Flash drive. Sorry, no vinyl this month. All we ask is that the music and recordings be interesting. We'll ask you to tell us a little about the artist/recording before it is played. Tracks over 6 minutes will be faded out, to give everyone a fair go.
Whether you are a novice or a seasoned veteran, you will have the opportunity to listen, learn and share your experiences with others. Feel free to come and hear the capabilities of the system, or to just share the experience with like-minded music lovers in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
Guests are welcome – we are a very friendly club so you don't need to know anyone to join us for an afternoon of fine music and sound.
Venue: Epping Creative Centre, Dence Park
Address: 26 Stanley Road, Epping
When: Sunday 11th March 2018
Doors open 1pm
Meeting starts at 2pm
Best regards,
Tom Waters
Sydney Audio Club
E: [email protected]
Follow-Up Report
Nick’s Ella Mk II speakers were some of the easier speakers to setup in our room. We measured and determined where it might be best to place them, and it then took very little fiddling to get just right. In the end, there was a bit of extra warmth in the mid-bass, but in our difficult room that was a small price to pay for everything that was right.
The system gelled well together, and the Nord Acoustics monoblocks that Nick brought offered the perfect balance for the Ella speakers. And if you wish to get some excellent interconnects or speaker cables at an excellent price, then you'd better be quick. Nick makes these cables himself (under his label FTM, "Feel the Music") but everyone tells him they are undervalued!!
The Ella Mk II speakers are wonderful speakers – balanced, natural and honest. Nothing shouts out, everything in its place. There were many positive comments on the feedback forms (see below), and a number of people spoke to me during the break and at the end to say how much they liked the speakers. It was not surprizing to me that they won “Best in Show” at the StereoNET International HiFi Show last year.
Also in attendance were a number of guests and StereoNET members that came to hear Nick’s speakers. Thanks folks...
And thank you Nick for your comments – most appreciated. It was our pleasure to have you stay with us. And we greatly enjoyed our sessions listening and chatting about music and the audio industry in general! We all greatly appreciate you coming to Sydney to present to us.
Here are some comments from the Feedback forms. Btw – the overall rating of the equipment, the meeting and the music was very high.
"Good to see sensibly priced gear that actually sounds good."
"Full scale with no compression. Very good."
"One of the better sounding systems in this room."
"Class D has made progress but not there yet. Good Speakers."
"One of the best speakers we've ever had at the club."
"Stunning with small ensembles but a bit bass heavy with classical."
"Well designed and excellent sounding speakers."
"Very capable and good value speakers."
"Great sounding speakers."
"Really nice speakers for the price."
"Congrats and thanks to Nick for coming from Adelaide with this super speaker!"
Details of the system….
Presented by Nick Hulgich of Hulgich Audio – refer to
Hulgich Ella MK II Loudspeakers - Also read about its Best In Show rating at the 2017 International HiFi Show -
Nord Acoustics Nord One SE Mono Block amps - and
FTM Cables -
Mac Mini with External HD - presenters music
Bricasti Design M1 DAC -
Classe CP-800 Pre Amp -
Oppo BDP-105D Multi Player -
The second half of the music sessions will be our popular BYO. Members and guests are welcome to offer music to share with us all. So bring along your favourite music on CD/SACD or Flash drive. Sorry, no vinyl this month. All we ask is that the music and recordings be interesting. We'll ask you to tell us a little about the artist/recording before it is played. Tracks over 6 minutes will be faded out, to give everyone a fair go.
Whether you are a novice or a seasoned veteran, you will have the opportunity to listen, learn and share your experiences with others. Feel free to come and hear the capabilities of the system, or to just share the experience with like-minded music lovers in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
Guests are welcome – we are a very friendly club so you don't need to know anyone to join us for an afternoon of fine music and sound.
Venue: Epping Creative Centre, Dence Park
Address: 26 Stanley Road, Epping
When: Sunday 11th March 2018
Doors open 1pm
Meeting starts at 2pm
Best regards,
Tom Waters
Sydney Audio Club
E: [email protected]
Follow-Up Report
Nick’s Ella Mk II speakers were some of the easier speakers to setup in our room. We measured and determined where it might be best to place them, and it then took very little fiddling to get just right. In the end, there was a bit of extra warmth in the mid-bass, but in our difficult room that was a small price to pay for everything that was right.
The system gelled well together, and the Nord Acoustics monoblocks that Nick brought offered the perfect balance for the Ella speakers. And if you wish to get some excellent interconnects or speaker cables at an excellent price, then you'd better be quick. Nick makes these cables himself (under his label FTM, "Feel the Music") but everyone tells him they are undervalued!!
The Ella Mk II speakers are wonderful speakers – balanced, natural and honest. Nothing shouts out, everything in its place. There were many positive comments on the feedback forms (see below), and a number of people spoke to me during the break and at the end to say how much they liked the speakers. It was not surprizing to me that they won “Best in Show” at the StereoNET International HiFi Show last year.
Also in attendance were a number of guests and StereoNET members that came to hear Nick’s speakers. Thanks folks...
And thank you Nick for your comments – most appreciated. It was our pleasure to have you stay with us. And we greatly enjoyed our sessions listening and chatting about music and the audio industry in general! We all greatly appreciate you coming to Sydney to present to us.
Here are some comments from the Feedback forms. Btw – the overall rating of the equipment, the meeting and the music was very high.
"Good to see sensibly priced gear that actually sounds good."
"Full scale with no compression. Very good."
"One of the better sounding systems in this room."
"Class D has made progress but not there yet. Good Speakers."
"One of the best speakers we've ever had at the club."
"Stunning with small ensembles but a bit bass heavy with classical."
"Well designed and excellent sounding speakers."
"Very capable and good value speakers."
"Great sounding speakers."
"Really nice speakers for the price."
"Congrats and thanks to Nick for coming from Adelaide with this super speaker!"